New FMMAA website

Welcome to the brand new FMMAA website! You'll find lots of useful information about the club, classes, and latest news to stay up-to-date, with more content coming soon!

Gradings - February 2022

First grading weekend of 2022, and what a fantastic standard! From the kickboxers on Saturday through to the karateka on Sunday, everyone was showing what they had been learning and demonstrating fantastic progress since the last grading. Well done everyone, and thanks to the coaching team!

Gradings - October 2021

Brilliant weekend of gradings on 23rd & 24th October. On the Saturday it was the kickboxers turn to show the progress they made in the last few months, and they did a great job. 3 grading sessions from the littlest and youngest through to the seniors had everyone working very hard, and lots of new...

Gradings - Summer 2021

Fantastic, busy weekend of gradings on the 12th/13th June, as we held our first gradings since December 2020, in both Kickboxing and Karate. With many students demonstrating commitment and progress on their return from online back to face-to-face training, it was right that they were given an...